Mi’kmaq Nation at Elsipogtog
(near Rexton and Moncton New Brunswick)
Protestors have been barricading Route 134 since September 30, to prevent the SWN Resources Canada from conducting exploratory research for potential shale hydrofracking in that area including indigenous lands/water sources. Protesters have blockaded the road leading to an equipment compound leased to South Western Energy or SWM in efforts "to protect the waters from the consequences of fracking." The blockade is aimed at preventing SWN from operating thumper trucks, (massive vehicles that gather seismic data to determine the location of natural gas).
VIDEO SUMMARY from the perspective of the protestors...
SWN is a Texas based energy company, that has been attempting to conduct natural gas exploration in the area’s shale formations. It is believed that if significant deposits of gas are found, SWN would then employ the controversial extraction method of hydraulic fracturing or fracking. But since this past summer, protests, direct actions and sabotage have thwarted their work, and are working to turn public opinion.
Then over time, tensions mounted.
Numbers on both sides grew.
Tensions on both sides grew.
Impasse at the talks.
Tipping point. Fires were lit. RCMP vehicles burned.
Police view "violence" as cause for action.
RCMP descended before dawn and read an injunction then began arrests.
Rubber bullets. Dogs. Resisting arrest. Physical force. Restraint.
Court cases start Monday 10/20.
Regardless of your position on fracking, indigenous rights, etc. you are asked to pray...
Pray for wisdom. Pray for the leaders.
Pray for the "followers" to make good choices and to not follow blindly.
Pray for safety. Pray for the elders.
Pray for the injured.
Pray for a calm and soothing spirit to diffuse anxiety, stress and aggression.
Pray that people will return to the table for talks --and spend more time listening than talking.
Forty First Nations / protest members were arrested and will begin appearing in court in New Brunswick, Canada 10/21/13. Another perspective Photos

Photo reposted from twitter this morning.
Update 4:00 pm Central Standard time
Gas company loses bid for injunction
Link to solidarity protests across USA and Canada
(near Rexton and Moncton New Brunswick)
Protestors have been barricading Route 134 since September 30, to prevent the SWN Resources Canada from conducting exploratory research for potential shale hydrofracking in that area including indigenous lands/water sources. Protesters have blockaded the road leading to an equipment compound leased to South Western Energy or SWM in efforts "to protect the waters from the consequences of fracking." The blockade is aimed at preventing SWN from operating thumper trucks, (massive vehicles that gather seismic data to determine the location of natural gas).
VIDEO SUMMARY from the perspective of the protestors...
SWN is a Texas based energy company, that has been attempting to conduct natural gas exploration in the area’s shale formations. It is believed that if significant deposits of gas are found, SWN would then employ the controversial extraction method of hydraulic fracturing or fracking. But since this past summer, protests, direct actions and sabotage have thwarted their work, and are working to turn public opinion.
Then over time, tensions mounted.
Numbers on both sides grew.
Tensions on both sides grew.
Impasse at the talks.
Tipping point. Fires were lit. RCMP vehicles burned.
Police view "violence" as cause for action.
RCMP descended before dawn and read an injunction then began arrests.
Rubber bullets. Dogs. Resisting arrest. Physical force. Restraint.
Court cases start Monday 10/20.
Regardless of your position on fracking, indigenous rights, etc. you are asked to pray...
Pray for wisdom. Pray for the leaders.
Pray for the "followers" to make good choices and to not follow blindly.
Pray for safety. Pray for the elders.
Pray for the injured.
Pray for a calm and soothing spirit to diffuse anxiety, stress and aggression.
Pray that people will return to the table for talks --and spend more time listening than talking.
Forty First Nations / protest members were arrested and will begin appearing in court in New Brunswick, Canada 10/21/13. Another perspective Photos

Photo reposted from twitter this morning.
Update 4:00 pm Central Standard time
Gas company loses bid for injunction
Link to solidarity protests across USA and Canada